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Sunday 15 September 2013

Modern Day Heroes

Just Heroes

          Super heroes are those beings who have these incredible super powers, like flying, super strength, telekinesis, Dashing speed, invincibility etc. Common kids these days look up to those so called super heroes. They believe in them and admire them so much, but they don’t even exist. Kids should look up to real heroes not Superman, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, and so on. Instead of pretending to become these ‘super’ heroes, why don’t they just aspire and dream of becoming a true hero like a teacher, policemen, firemen, taxi drivers, basketball players, etc.?
          Real heroes are those who help others willingly and wholeheartedly and do not expect anything in return. The first normal day heroes you encounter every day is you family. They are the ones who help you every day in the times of trouble. When you wake up in the morning and go down stairs, you feel hungry. Luckily you have your mom making breakfast for you. When a light bulb dies, don’t worry. Your father comes along to replace it with another one. When you have difficulties in your studies or assignments, never fear! For your big brother or big sister are here! Here to help you with your problems. Your family is the greatest every day normal heroes ever. But they’re not the only normal day heroes; take a look at Mr. or Mrs. Teacher She or he always give time to teacher his/her students. From basic mathematics 1+1=2 up until [50/2(1/5) + (-2 x 3) -3] =2. Your teachers are always there to guide you to a better, brighter future without anything in return. Another modern day hero is Mr. Taxi driver. For instance, you were late at work and your car doesn't start for some reason, you call on Mr. Taxi driver to save the day. Dashing through traffic as fast as he can just to get you to your destination. Let’s also take a look at the Policemen. Always there to keep the neighborhood or the city safe. When a thief steals, when a burglar breaks into a jewelery shop, when a fight emerges from the streets, cops are always there. When fire bursts out in a building, who do we call on? Firemen! One call and they bolt out of their building with their fire truck to save several lives in a burning building.

          Heroes are not born, heroes are made. Just like the historical heroes, they were made by pain and suffering. Heroes are made by experiences and knowledge. They are made by a cause, a reason. Dr. Jose P. Rizal, John F. Kennedy, Andres Bonifacio, George Washington etc. I’m just saying that we can be heroes if we want. We can be heroes in our own small ways. If you help an old woman cross the street, you are already doing an act of heroism. Why admire those super heroes when you can be a hero yourself.

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