Type the thing you want to search here, bro!

Sunday 13 October 2013

2nd Reflection

Another grading period will soon be leaving my 4th year life. Graduation day draws closer and closer, our batch will be gone soon but we will continue to keep all of the values and learnings that our School bestowed.
The 2nd grading period was full of activities in many of our subjects. Outputs, assignments and projects were rushed to meet the required date of submission. But amidst all the stress and agony we’ve gone through, we had fun doing these. In our Information and Communication Technology (ICT) class, all we did was activities. Ma’am did introduce the new lesson which was all about making a HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) page using tags and the notepad. She also did a little discussion on some of our activities. Making these activities were decently easy, all we needed was time because there are 2 students per computer. Basically, 2nd grading was typing and custom designing web pages but it was not boring. It was amusing knowing how to create your very own page just by using various of tags. Before the Periodical Exams, Ma’am gave us a short Chapter Test on tags. Answering it was quite cool. She gave us the Page and we tried to decide it tag by tag.
Overall, 2nd Grading was great. Many new information are to be applied in computers, specifically HTMLs, creating pages and using tags. I hope more of these exciting lessons on ICT.

Sunday 6 October 2013

My teacher, My HERO

Who says teachers are minor heroes? Great! Major! High! Superb! Colossal! Gigantic! Mega! Outstanding! That’s what they are! Teachers are even considered as the greatest modern day super heroes and they are far greater than those of super heroes in the television.
Teachers are real. They live amongst us that’s why they’re greater than those television ‘Heroes’. They help us without asking for anything in return just like those heroes. Every day they are here for us -they are always here, anytime, anywhere. Picture this, a world without teachers. There will be no one to be there in times of problems, no one to guide and help us. No teacher to advise us. Teachers are essential to this world, without them there would be chaos and disorder. They pass us everything they know, for our sake, they teach and for that we must acknowledge it and salute them for their heroic deeds.
Teachers have powers too! They have several powers we don’t actually know. These powers are pretty simple, the power to guide mislead and lost students back and/or the power to create Geniuses! Bestowing incredible intelligence to students, that’s a power. The ability to erase ignorance from children. The power to recreate dreams and the power to create a bright and stupendous future. The power to clench the thirst for curiosity. Teachers have amazing and superior powers and as the saying from the movie “Spiderman” states, “With great power comes great responsibilities”. Their responsibility is to teach us, the students.
Teachers may not save the day today but they can surely save the day tomorrow. When we grow up and become what we aspire to become, never forget to thank the teachers for they are the reasons why we will be successful.

~Happy Teacher’s Day~

Science month

Action for science!

To unravel the causes, we must seek. To build the solution, we must create. For science clubbers to take action, we must empower and inspire.
Where there’s a problem, there is always a solution and an answer. These problems are essential to humans and their development. From the beginning, humans were programmed to question. From being cavemen up to becoming a modern day man, humans were always curious. They always seek answers to every problem they encounter.

Nowadays, scientists emerge from out of the blue to unravel the causes of many problems of the Galaxy. Einstein said that the number of questions in the universe is infinite because the universe itself is infinite. It is up to us to find them and answer them. Scientists are aimed to make some kind of solution to all their questions. They formulate equations, solutions, constants, modulus, etc.

Scientists are determined to solve these new questions that emerge. Questions about the universe, black holes, quasars, galactic storms, star formations and so on and so forth. We should admire these scientists and aspire to become like them. We can start by being a science clubber, solving and making solutions to some minor problems like a dirty community, recycling materials, proper waste disposal, clogged waterways and etc. We should act now for science, for our own sake.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Modern Day Heroes

Just Heroes

          Super heroes are those beings who have these incredible super powers, like flying, super strength, telekinesis, Dashing speed, invincibility etc. Common kids these days look up to those so called super heroes. They believe in them and admire them so much, but they don’t even exist. Kids should look up to real heroes not Superman, Batman, Ironman, Spiderman, and so on. Instead of pretending to become these ‘super’ heroes, why don’t they just aspire and dream of becoming a true hero like a teacher, policemen, firemen, taxi drivers, basketball players, etc.?
          Real heroes are those who help others willingly and wholeheartedly and do not expect anything in return. The first normal day heroes you encounter every day is you family. They are the ones who help you every day in the times of trouble. When you wake up in the morning and go down stairs, you feel hungry. Luckily you have your mom making breakfast for you. When a light bulb dies, don’t worry. Your father comes along to replace it with another one. When you have difficulties in your studies or assignments, never fear! For your big brother or big sister are here! Here to help you with your problems. Your family is the greatest every day normal heroes ever. But they’re not the only normal day heroes; take a look at Mr. or Mrs. Teacher She or he always give time to teacher his/her students. From basic mathematics 1+1=2 up until [50/2(1/5) + (-2 x 3) -3] =2. Your teachers are always there to guide you to a better, brighter future without anything in return. Another modern day hero is Mr. Taxi driver. For instance, you were late at work and your car doesn't start for some reason, you call on Mr. Taxi driver to save the day. Dashing through traffic as fast as he can just to get you to your destination. Let’s also take a look at the Policemen. Always there to keep the neighborhood or the city safe. When a thief steals, when a burglar breaks into a jewelery shop, when a fight emerges from the streets, cops are always there. When fire bursts out in a building, who do we call on? Firemen! One call and they bolt out of their building with their fire truck to save several lives in a burning building.

          Heroes are not born, heroes are made. Just like the historical heroes, they were made by pain and suffering. Heroes are made by experiences and knowledge. They are made by a cause, a reason. Dr. Jose P. Rizal, John F. Kennedy, Andres Bonifacio, George Washington etc. I’m just saying that we can be heroes if we want. We can be heroes in our own small ways. If you help an old woman cross the street, you are already doing an act of heroism. Why admire those super heroes when you can be a hero yourself.

Monday 26 August 2013

Buwan ng Wika

Month of Importance

Every August, we acknowledge something we use every day but don’t see its true importance. We use it to Communicate, bring peace and order, mingle with people, make connections and to create a path of righteousness.
Our native language, Tagalog was always an important language , from the era of Spaniards to the time of Japanese and until now we use it. This language have always been a weapon for disorder, our ancestors used it to fight against enemies like the Spaniards, make allies with foreigners such as the Americans and many more. At modern times like nowadays, Tagalog is used for Peace and Democracy, like when President P-noy delivered his State of the Nation Address, he used Tagalog in doing so, and even normal Filipinos use this to give their opinions about current issues. Our language is used for purity and peace and we should keep it that way.
As the slogan said “Ang Wika natin ang tuwid na daan”, we should use our language in great things so that we will follow the straight path towards a brighter tomorrow. Let us see the Importance of the language, Filipino, this ‘Buwan ng Wika’ halika na’t tahakin natin ang matuwid na daan tungo sa maraniag na kinabukasan.