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Monday, 8 July 2013

Nutrion Month

"World Without Starvation"

World without Starvation
               Have you ever seen children on the streets begging for food? Pity to see them like that, skinny, lean and hungry. Compare them to the kids who won't eat healthy vegetables and nutritious food.            
              For the kids that won't eat their vegies, they don't know the importance of nutritious food while the homeless people, they value these food and would do anything just to eat.
                This July, nutrition month, let us value the food we eat and let us fight hunger and abolish it. We should learn to cook more nutritious food and share them with others. Many families are struggling because of poverty, we should cooperate with each other and make people realize the importance of nutritious food. Make every bite count, every drop of water matter, and cherish every food we share.              
               We should unite and fight hunger and malnutrition . Let us create a World without Starvation.